What is the experiment to associate GV with functional titer?
As with all other titration methods (e.g., p24 ELISA, or qRT-PCR) used to produce comparable titer quantitation between experiments, the following variables must be consistent: lentiviral packaging systems, lentiviral vectors, transfection methods, harvest times, and scanning devices. We recommend first testing a sample of known titer to determine the corresponding GV titer provided by the kit. [...]
What is the experiment to associate GV with functional titer?
As with all other titration methods (e.g., p24 ELISA, or qRT-PCR) used to produce comparable titer quantitation between experiments, the following variables must be consistent: lentiviral packaging systems, lentiviral vectors, transfection methods, harvest times, and scanning devices. We recommend first testing a sample of known titer to determine the corresponding GV titer provided by the kit. [...]
What is the experiment to associate GV with functional titer?
As with all other titration methods (e.g., p24 ELISA, or qRT-PCR) used to produce comparable titer quantitation between experiments, the following variables must be consistent: lentiviral packaging systems, lentiviral vectors, transfection methods, harvest times, and scanning devices. We recommend first testing a sample of known titer to determine the corresponding GV titer provided by the kit. [...]
What RNA quality is needed for performing full length Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)?
RNA quality is an important consideration when performing full length Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Key factors affecting the quality of RNA include the integrity of the sample and any contamination that may have occurred during collection or processing. Poor RNA quality can lead to missing data and inaccurate results, whereas high quality RNA can provide more comprehensive and precise [...]
What is the cloning/packaging capacity of an HIV-1-based lentiviral vector?
Wild type lentiviruses contain ~9.7 kb of genome including both LTRs. Artificially creating a genome larger than this will result in unstable viral particles and a dramatic drop in viral titer. For recombinant lentiviruses such as those generated using Lenti-X systems, much of the viral genome has been replaced with other useful sequences such as selection markers or fluorescent proteins, but [...]
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Takara Bio USA, Inc. provides kits, reagents, instruments, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, Takara Bio USA is part of a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Our mission is to develop high-quality innovative tools and services to accelerate discovery.