What kit do you recommend for isolating RNA from OCT-fixed tissue blocks?
The standard protocol for NucleoSpin RNA XS is suitable for microdissected cryosections. Nucleic acid purification [...]
Can I store samples in the RA1 lysis buffer of NucleoSpin RNA kit?
Yes. Samples/cells can be stored in Lysis Buffer RA1 (If you are using after disruption) § at -70 °C for up to one year, § at 4 °C for up to 24 hours or § up to several hours at room temperature. Frozen samples in Buffer RA1 should be thawed slowly before starting with the isolation of RNA. Nucleic acid purification [...]
What is Carrier RNA is made of?
The Carrier RNA included with the NucleoSpin RNA kits is lyophilized Poly(A) RNA Potassium salt, prepared from ADP with polynucleotide phosphorylase. The benefit of adding Carrier RNA to the sample lysate depends on downstream RNA analysis. If your downstream application is just RT-qPCR, then Carrier RNA will not interfere with your cDNA synthesis. The carrier RNA is used to [...]
Can you proceed with NucleoSpin RNA XS if your samples are in Trizol?
Our standard NucleoSpin RNA kits are unfortunately not compatible with TriZol. We recommend using our NucleoSpin® RNA Set for NucleoZOL (REF 740406.50). You can take 500 ul of this Aqueous phase of TriZol (instead of NucleoZol) and switch to the NucleoSpin protocol. Nucleic acid purification [...]
What are the sizes of holes of the NucleoBond Smart Rack?
There are four larger holes (3.8 cm) and six smaller holes (2.5 cm) in the upper part of the rack. The lower part as designed to fit either 50 ml falcons or 15 ml falcon tubes. The larger holes are 3 cm, the smaller 1.7 cm. We recommend the following rack for our Plasmid prep kits: https://www.mn-net.com/us/nucleobond-smart-rack-740413 PC 20: [...]
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San Jose, CA 95110
Takara Bio USA, Inc. provides kits, reagents, instruments, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, Takara Bio USA is part of a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Our mission is to develop high-quality innovative tools and services to accelerate discovery.