How is the normalization performed to allow CNV analysis? Are there reference samples within the kit?
here are no reference samples included with this kit. Customers will have to generate their own reference. There are number of ways that CNV analysis can be performed. We do not offer bioinformatics support or analysis products along with PicoPLEX DNA-seq. There are many approaches to calculating CNV. We can offer some examples that show how some perform CNV analysis: [...]
What is the expected proportion of ssDNA compared to dsDNA for the PicoPLEX kits?
PicoPLEX has a heat fragmentation step in step 1 of the protocol. In step 2, the preamp reaction begins with heat denaturation, so everything that enters the preamp cycle is single stranded. There should be no discrimination between ssDNA and dsDNA beyond this [...]
Are you aware if PicoPLEX amplicons being blocked at the 5’ ends to prevent the amplified WGA from ligation?
The 5’ ends of PicoPLEX WGA amplicons are not 5’ blocked. However, some of the products might still be partially single-stranded, so it is very likely that some adapters would not ligate to these [...]
How do I calculate the number of reads to have 500X coverage after the Target enrichment?
First of all, you need to know the size of the Enrichment panel. For example, the size of the Panel is 240 kb and you used 2 X 75 bp read length (75 x 75 cycles). We also assume that you had 90% Duplication rate. So, the 500X coverage is only calculated for the de-duplicated reads. Here is how you can calculate: 1. Panel size – 240 kb 2. Multiply the Panel size by 5000X (reads before [...]
Are the ThruPlex HV kit adapters compatible with the IDT blockers?
Yes. They are [...]
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Takara Bio USA, Inc. provides kits, reagents, instruments, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As a member of the Takara Bio Group, Takara Bio USA is part of a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Our mission is to develop high-quality innovative tools and services to accelerate discovery.