How to assess transfection efficiency after transfection?

How to assess transfection efficiency after transfection?

Reporter assays: you can use a variety of methods to measure transfection efficiency, including fluorescent and non-fluorescent reporter assays, qRT-PCR, and Western blotting. Please note that some assays are more rapid and sensitive than others.
When to run your assay: most reporter assays are performed 1–3 days after transfection. The exact timing will depend on the type of cells you are transfecting, the reporter you are using, and other factors specific to your transfection experiment. You must determine the best time to run your assay empirically.

There will always be some variability in transfection efficiencies, but optimizing transfection parameters for each cell type is crucial to minimizing this variability. Once you optimize the transfection parameters, they should be kept consistent in order to obtain reproducible results from one experiment to the next. 

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