What are the benefits of using Lenti-X GoStix Plus to measure lentiviral titer?

What are the benefits of using Lenti-X GoStix Plus to measure lentiviral titer?

Lenti‑X GoStix Plus cassettes provide a fast and simple method for obtaining an accurate viral titer. Traditional methods for measuring titer such as qPCR, ELISA, or functional assays can be fairly lengthy and cumbersome, and are therefore not ideal for monitoring your supernatant to identify an optimal harvest time, or for testing multiple samples. Lenti‑X GoStix Plus enable you to obtain a titer in 10 minutes by simply adding 20 µl of supernatant to the GoStix cassette and then scanning the cassette with your smartphone camera after a brief incubation. The app also records the titer so that you can email yourself the result for record keeping.

Most commonly used methods of lentiviral vector titration and their associated timelines (in hours). Lenti‑X GoStix Plus: a lateral flow-based method for the detection of lentiviral p24 in supernatants, 10 minutes; qRT-PCR: quantification of viral RNA genomes by qRT-PCR, 4 hours; ELISA: measurement of the amount of p24 capsid protein, 4 hours; PCR: detection of integrated DNA proviruses by qPCR, 3 days; IFU (FACS): determination of the percentage of infected cells via FACS analysis of RFP/GFP positive cells, 4 days; IFU (Selection): infectious units determined by quantifying the number of drug resistant colonies in transduced populations, 7 days.

Lentivirus products

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