With ssODN or ssDNA, is it advantageous to use HDR templates that are homologous to the sense or antisense strand at the genomic target region?

With ssODN or ssDNA, is it advantageous to use HDR templates that are homologous to the sense or antisense strand at the genomic target region?

Currently, there is no clear rule regarding the preferential use of sense or antisense ssDNA for HDR templates longer than 200 nt. However, in the case of shorter single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide (ssODN) templates, template polarity has been found to have an effect on efficiency (Bollen et al. 2018).
Bollen, Y., Post, J., Koo, B. & Snippert, H.J.G How to create state-of-the-art genetic model systems: strategies for optimal CRISPR-mediated genome editing. Nuc. Acid. Res. 46, 6435–6454 (2018).

Gene editing products

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