What is the experiment to associate GV with functional titer?

What is the experiment to associate GV with functional titer?

As with all other titration methods (e.g., p24 ELISA, or qRT-PCR) used to produce comparable titer quantitation between experiments, the following variables must be consistent: lentiviral packaging systems, lentiviral vectors, transfection methods, harvest times, and scanning devices. We recommend first testing a sample of known titer to determine the corresponding GV titer provided by the kit. For example, when Lenti-X GoStix Plus were used to test viral supernatants produced using Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots, Lenti-X 293T Cells, and pLVX vector expressing our ZsGreen1 fluorescent protein, a clear band was generated by a supernatant containing 1 x 107 IFU/ml (as measured by flow cytometry of transduced HT-1080 cells), which correlated to a GV of 610 ng/ml p24 at a 1:2 dilution.

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