Can I substitute alternative products for any of the recommended additional materials?

Can I substitute alternative products for any of the recommended additional materials?

SMARTer kits are based on complex technology and require precise adherence to the experimental procedure. Each step of the protocol, including equipment, has been carefully optimized.

Nuclease-free thin-wall PCR tubes (0.2 ml; USA Scientific Cat. # 1402-4700) have the lowest affinity for RNA, DNA, and SPRI beads. Using strip tubes ensures better reproducibility between multiple samples and controls, and reduces the likelihood of contamination.Note: The SMART-Seq v4 Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing and the SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 have also been validated for use with LoBind tubes (Eppendorf Cat. # 022431021).

96-well V-bottom plates (500 µl; VWR Cat. # 47743-996) recommended for some kits, enable a more efficient separation of SPRI beads from the supernatant when using large volumes of wash buffers.

General NGS-Seq

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