What are the advantages of Xfect Transfection Reagent compared to other protein delivery technologies?

What are the advantages of Xfect Transfection Reagent compared to other protein delivery technologies?

The two technologies most frequently used for protein delivery are based on lipids and cell-penetrating peptides. Transfection with lipid-based reagents tends to result in high cytotoxicity, while peptide-based reagents transfect with low efficiency. Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent offers the best advantages of both (i.e., it retains low cytotoxicity and delivers more protein to a higher percentage of target cells). Moreover, this reagent can transfect cells that are growing at a higher density than competing products, which is important because assays are often performed within a few hours post-transfection, and the higher cell densities ensure sufficient material for downstream analysis.

 Transfection products

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