Using the Tet system in transgenic mice

Using the Tet system in transgenic mice

Conditional mouse models are made by crossing two transgenic mouse lines: one expressing the Tet-On transactivator under the control of a tissue-specific promoter, and the other containing the gene of interest cloned behind a TRE promoter. Expression of the gene under study in the double-transgenic progeny is controlled by the presence or absence of Dox in the drinking water.

Tet-inducible mouse models

Hundreds of Tet-transgenic mouse lines are currently available throughout the scientific community or in mouse repositories. Although a Tet-On 3G mouse has not yet been created, we expect that the increased sensitivity of Tet-On 3G will be particularly advantageous for in vivo studies in tissues where high Dox concentrations are difficult to attain (e.g., brain).
Please see the Tet Systems website for a list of Tet-transgenic mouse lines:

Tetracycline-inducible expression systems

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