What are the features of the Tet-On 3G transcriptional activator: highest sensitivity to doxycycline

What are the features of the Tet-On 3G transcriptional activator: highest sensitivity to doxycycline

Tet-On 3G is a modified, improved Tet-On Advanced transcriptional activator protein (transactivator) which has been evolved to display far higher sensitivity to doxycycline. Tet-On 3G generates very high maximal expression and responds to lower Dox concentrations than its predecessors. These Dox concentrations are far below cytotoxic levels for either cell culture or transgenic studies. The increased Dox sensitivity is particularly advantageous for in vivo studies in tissues where high Dox concentrations are difficult to attain (e.g., brain).
When Dox binds to the Tet-On 3G transactivator, the transactivator undergoes a conformational change that allows it to bind to PTRE3G and initiate transcription.

Doxycycline inducible gene expression


Tetracycline-inducible expression systems

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