Is the transfected protein active with the Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent?

Is the transfected protein active with the Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent?

Yes, the protein is active. Assays that measure enzyme activity (such as caspase-3 or ß-galactosidase) show that these proteins retain their activity after transfection with Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent, while fluorescent proteins retain their ability to fluoresce.

Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent delivers up to 8X more active β-galactosidase

Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent delivers up to 8X more active ß-galactosidase into HeLa cells than the leading competitor, Product C. Panel A. Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent or Product C was used to transfect Jurkat cells with various amount of ß-galactosidase (ß-gal) according to the manufacturers' recommended protocol. One hour post-transfection, the cells were assayed for ß-gal activity using our Luminescent ?-galactosidase Detection Kit II (Cat. # 631712). Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent displayed a far higher signal for ß-gal than did Product C. Panel B. HeLa cells transfected with 4 µg of ß-gal demonstrated higher efficiency and a higher amount of ß-gal protein per cell when transfection was performed with Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent (middle panel) than with Product C (right-hand panel).

Transfection products

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