What are the features of the pTRE3G inducible promoter: tetracycline-inducible expression, lowest basal activity level?

What are the features of the pTRE3G inducible promoter: tetracycline-inducible expression, lowest basal activity level?

The tetracycline responsive element (TRE) consists of seven repeats of a 19-bp tet operator sequence located upstream of a minimal CMV promoter. It provides very low basal expression and high maximal expression after induction. Although the tet operator repeats are identical in all Tet-On generations, the junction sequences in the Tet-On 3G version (PTRE3G) have been altered to an even spacing and the central portions have been randomized. These changes minimize background expression, which results in an improved dynamic expression range compared to previous TRE promoters.

PTRE3G provides high maximal expression

Bidirectional PTRE3G promoter

Bidirectional vectors contain a specialized TRE3G promoter (PTRE3G-BI) that allows for inducible, simultaneous, and equivalent expression of two transgenes.

Tetracycline-inducible expression systems

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