When would you choose STORM-seq over 10x Genomics for single-cell sequencing technology?

When would you choose STORM-seq over 10x Genomics for single-cell sequencing technology?

We use STORM-seq and 10x Genomics as complementary approaches for answering very different kinds of questions. We use 10x Genomics when interrogating thousands to tens of thousands of cell types to understand the cell-type diversity of our populations.

On the other hand, we use STORM-seq as a targeted, hypothesis-driven approach. You get thousands more genes with STORM-seq compared to 10x Genomics. That can be advantageous to capture some of the intermediate cell types that are otherwise missed with 10x Genomics, especially if these "marker genes" are driven by lincRNAs. A great example of this is the fallopian tube epithelium.

SMART-Seq Stranded kit

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