How does the viral envelope affect the Retro-X Concentrator’s efficiency?

How does the viral envelope affect the Retro-X Concentrator’s efficiency?

The Retro-X Concentrator can concentrate retroviral supernatants created with all commonly used envelopes. Fold concentration varies for retroviruses pseudotyped with various envelopes.

Retro-X Concentrator can concentrate retroviral supernatants created with all commonly used envelopes. A retrovirus expressing DsRed2 was packaged with different retroviral envelopes using the Retro-X Universal Packaging System (Cat. # 631530), and harvested at 72 hr posttransfection. Retro-X Concentrator was used to concentrate dualtropic (10A1), amphotropic (Ampho), ecotropic (Eco), and VSV-G (pantropic) pseudotyped retrovirus samples from 10 ml down to 100 µl. Crude and concentrated viral stocks were then titrated on HT1080 or NIH 3T3 cells and analyzed via flow cytometry at 72 hr postinfection to determine the percentage of positive cells.

Retrovirus products

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