The Guide-it library is supplied in a lyophilized Lenti-X Single Shots format. What does that mean?

The Guide-it library is supplied in a lyophilized Lenti-X Single Shots format. What does that mean?

The Lenti-X packaging single shots format provides a straightforward and consistent method to package high-titer lentivirus. The lyophilized pellet (see image below) contains our fourth-generation lentiviral packaging system, a premixed formulation of five Lenti-X packaging plasmids and the library (>76,000 sgRNA lentiviral plasmids) all combined in a single tube at preoptimized ratios.
No additional transfection reagent is needed because the single shots vials for the library also contain prealiquoted, lyophilized Xfect Transfection Reagent.
A high-titer virus is produced by simply reconstituting this mixture in sterile water and adding it to Lenti-X 293T Cells (Cat. # 632180), in a 10-cm dish. Typically, titers of 107–108 IFU per ml can be expected, and such high titers are critical for providing sufficient virus for a whole genome library screen.

Gene editing products

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