What brand of beads is compatible with the SMARTer® Human BCR IgG IgM H/K/L Profiling Kit workflow?
What brand of beads is compatible with the SMARTer® Human BCR IgG IgM H/K/L Profiling Kit workflow?
NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select (available from Takara Bio; 5-ml size: Cat. No. 744970.5; 50-ml size: Cat. No. 744970.50; 500-ml size: Cat. No. 744970.500) or AMPure XP PCR purification kit (Beckman Coulter; 5-ml size: Cat. No. A63880; 60-ml size: Cat. No. A63881) is an appropriate substitute, using the same bead:sample ratios as recommended for the NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select.