Can cell-culture bags (e.g., X-fold bags) be coated with RetroNectin reagent?

Can cell-culture bags (e.g., X-fold bags) be coated with RetroNectin reagent?

Yes, X-fold bags can be coated with RetroNectin reagent. Below is a protocol that has been tested for an X-fold Bag (85 cm2):

1. Coat the bag with RetroNectin reagent* overnight at 4°C, or for 2 hours at room temperature. *Use at least 9 ml of RetroNectin solution (20 µg/ml) per bag.
2. Wash with PBS (30 ml x 3 times).
3. Add Retrovirus (4–6 hours).
4. Wash with PBS (30 ml).
5. Add cells (1 x 104 cells/cm2).
6. Incubate at 37°C for 3 days under 5% CO2.

NOTE: This method may not be applicable for other types/brands of cell culture bags.

RetroNectin products

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