Can RetroNectin reagent be coated on plates that are also coated with collagen?

Can RetroNectin reagent be coated on plates that are also coated with collagen?

If the use of double-coated plates is necessary, please test the following two coating methods:

-coat with RetroNectin reagent first, then collagen
-coat with collagen first, then RetroNectin reagent

If transfection efficiencies are very low, perform the transduction procedure using a RetroNectin-coated non-tissue culture treated plate as described in the user manual. After infection, incubate for 4 hours in a 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator. Then collect the cells and transfer to the collagen-coated plate and incubate for 2–3 days.

RetroNectin products

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