How should sequencing libraries be prepared from cDNA generated with SMARTer Ultra low kits?

How should sequencing libraries be prepared from cDNA generated with SMARTer Ultra low kits?

Illumina indexes and adapters are integrated during cDNA amplification with the SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit (including the HT version) and the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - HI Mammalian. No additional library preparation is needed. (see ""Which indexes are included in SMARTer stranded kits?""). Not all indexes can be pooled together, consult the Illumina literature (such as the ""TruSeq® DNA Sample Preparation Guide"") for appropriate pooling guidelines. When in doubt about compatibility, compare the index sequences provided in the user manuals with Illumina adapter sequences.

General NGS-Seq

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