How clean does the PCR of the genomic target sequence need to be for the Guide-it SNP Screening Kit?
How clean does the PCR of the genomic target sequence need to be for the Guide-it SNP Screening Kit?
The assay performs well regardless of whether extra PCR products are generated during amplification of the genomic target sequence. See the image below for example PCR amplification results that have been successfully used to detect nucleotide substitutions with this kit.

Examples of PCR-amplified target DNAs used as samples with the Guide-it SNP Screening Kit. PCR products visible in each gel lane were successfully analyzed for nucleotide substitutions involving the indicated genomic loci using the Guide-it SNP Screening Kit. As indicated by the gel, the size of the amplified target can range between 200 bp and 700 bp. For SNP detection assays involving the DBT(E2) and MTHFR gene sequences, amplicons of two different sizes were successfully used.