Are the PicoPLEX Gold libraries compatible with the Illumina Patterned Flow cell sequencing platforms such as Novaseq 6000?

Are the PicoPLEX Gold libraries compatible with the Illumina Patterned Flow cell sequencing platforms such as Novaseq 6000?

Yes, you can use the commercially available Target Enrichment probes with the PicoPLEX Libraries. However, you should keep in mind that PicoPLEX libraries have a larger than average size – 800 to 1000 bp. The commercial Enrichment probes are much shorter than PicoPLEX libraries. So, the pulled down region will be more than the bait region. This will cause somewhat reduced absolute % on-target. Other than that, PicoPLEX GOLD is already being used for Target enrichment by some of our customers. We used the PicoPLEX Gold with the Agilent SureSelect XT target enrichment system for Illumina with Agilent Human All Exon V6 panel. We generally recommend paired-end 2x100 read lengths for exome capture sequencing. ~80% of exons are <200 bp in length so a 2x100 read should be ideal for most experiments. For PicoPLEX libraries, longer reads – 2X 300 – could be beneficial.


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