Which types of lentiviral vectors are compatible with Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots?

Which types of lentiviral vectors are compatible with Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots?

We have not tested all vectors, but in principle, any HIV-1-based vector should be efficiently packaged using this system, resulting in high-titer lentivirus. For example, a ZsGreen1 cassette in the pLenti6/V5 vector (Thermo Fisher Scientific)—a vector that lacks the WPRE and cPPT/CTS sequence elements and utilizes self-inactivating (SIN) LTRs—yielded titers of  >3 x 107 IFU/ml, as determined by flow cytometry. Since the Lenti-X system utilizes Tat transactivation, lentiviral vectors that utilize HIV-1 5' LTRs (such as pLVX vectors) will generate higher titers than those containing other LTRs. Vectors lacking WPRE and/or cPPT/CTS sequences yield consistently lower titers than Takara Bio pLVX vectors.

Note: Use of vector systems other than Takara Bio's may require additional rights from third parties. You should evaluate whether permission from any third party is required for your intended use.

Lenti-X Packaging Single Shots can produce high-titer virus regardless of the lentiviral vector backbone used and regardless of the method used for titration.

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