What are the viral delivery systems of Takara Tet system technology

What are the viral delivery systems of Takara Tet system technology

We offer three types of viral delivery for Tet-inducible gene expression:

1. Lenti-X Tet-On 3G systems
-Highest performing inducible lentivirus systems
-Tightest control of gene expression
-Each system includes an optimized, fourth-generation packaging mix designed to produce high-titer lentivirus

Lentiviral Tet-On 3G vector map

2. Retro-X Tet-On 3G system
-Low background, high induction levels
-Includes the GP2-293 packaging cell line
-Choose the best-suited envelope for your target cells (VSV-g, ecotropic, amphotropic or dualtropic)

Retroviral Tet-On 3G vector map

3. Adeno-X Tet-On 3G system
-All-in-one Tet-inducible vector
-Tightest control of gene expression
-Just as easy as plasmid cloning! Clone your transgene directly into the adenoviral genome; no shuttle vector needed

Tetracycline-inducible adenovirus

Tetracycline-inducible expression systems

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