What RNA purification kits are recommended for compatibility with the SMARTer Stranded v2 - Pico cDNA synthesis?

What RNA purification kits are recommended for compatibility with the SMARTer Stranded v2 - Pico cDNA synthesis?

We recommend the NucleoSpin RNA XS and NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS kits offering on-column DNAse I treatment as well as optional DNAse I treatment of RNA eluate, followed by column purification . To ensure a complete removal of DNA, essential for the highly sensitive SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 - Pico cDNA synthesis, it is advisable (if feasible) to perform an additional DNAse I treatment of purified RNA eluate, since the remnants of single-stranded DNA can be randomly primed and used as a template by the reverse transcriptase, incorporating genomic DNA into the final v2 Pico library. Do not use RNA purification kits omitting DNAse treatment. Do not use any carrier or co-precipitant during RNA purification, since it may distort RNA concentration and interfere with cDNA synthesis.

Stranded RNA-seq for mammalian samples

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