Is this possible and what is the advantage to growing iPS cells in suspension?

Is this possible and what is the advantage to growing iPS cells in suspension?

Yes. Suspension cultures allow similar expansion of hPSCs as compared to conventional 2D culture, and possibly requiring less media volumes per cell. Further, differentiation towards certain specialized cells will sometimes give a better/different maturation depending on what is the aim (examples of specialized cells are beta cells and hepatocytes). Toxicology studies have in the past (see literature) shown big differences in sensitivity and outcome just because the cells are grown in a 3D sphere structures rather than in 2D, which will for certain applications give a more accurate result when compared to in vivo studies.
We have grown hPS cells in suspension (N.B. not possible as single cells, but either on beads or as spheres without carrier) over 5 passages. Since we use suspension cultures for expansion rather than as continuous culture system, we have not extended the passages beyond 5 passages in the 3D DEF-CS culture system. Suspension culture in DEF-CS is absolutely doable but each customer need to optimize seeding densities, media changes, and passage intervals that will suit the 3D system in use. If necessary we might be able to instruct in more detail how to grow cells in sphere format. There is an ongoing study using Cellartis DEF-CS Xeno-Free Culture Medium for 3D cultures.

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