What is the expected size distribution of double-stranded cDNA generated by SMARTer cDNA synthesis kits?

What is the expected size distribution of double-stranded cDNA generated by SMARTer cDNA synthesis kits?

SMARTer Ultra low kits: Successful cDNA synthesis and amplification should produce a cDNA library spanning 400–9,000 bp. The main peak should occur at approximately 2,000 bp.SMARTer stranded kits: Successful cDNA synthesis and amplification with the SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit should yield a distinct Bioanalyzer electropherogram peak spanning 150–1,000 bp, centered on approximately 300 bp. When using the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - HI Mammalian, successful synthesis should yield a distinct peak spanning 200–1,000 bp, centered on approximately 300 bp.
The SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing: Successful cDNA synthesis and amplification should yield a distinct Bioanalyzer electropherogram peak spanning 100–1,000 bp, centered on approximately 200 bp.
Note: The cDNA library should be representative of the full-length mRNA distribution which may differ between different tissues or cell types.

General NGS-Seq

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